Sunday, September 30, 2007

The History of Weblogs

The History of Weblogs

and note here some of the links to Gates and others, advocating free speech and describing the power of the internet and blogs.

Introduction To Blogs « Blogs « Feature Articles « Dented Reality

Introduction To Blogs « Blogs « Feature Articles « Dented Reality

Blogs: what are they good for? How did they happen, varieties etc.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The Future of Chinese Internet: Mobility and Wireless - Seeking Alpha

The Future of Chinese Internet: Mobility and Wireless - Seeking Alpha

When we think of internet, it's usually pics of computers hooked to phone lines. Well think again. It's all going to be about mobile handsets - the fastest, cheapest way across the digital divide.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Copyright, Policy Blog | Public Knowledge

Public knowledge. Organisation designed to defend our rights in the digital age

Copyright, Policy Blog | Public Knowledge

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Here Winner takes the sword to the techno-optimists including Gilder, Toffler, and Negroponte. Whilst he accuses them of being far right wing, he appears to be coming from a "where's this monster taking us?" ground.

Heavy read but may be worth reviewing when it comes to the benefits that may be achieved from businesses blogging their hearts out. Will it really make a difference?

The corporate blog manifesto

Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger

Written by the guru of blogs, Robert Scoble, this article details the factors to consider before starting a blog. Useful in developing a corporate blogging policy or in giving direction to a personal blog.

Groundswell (Incorporating Charlene Li's Blog): Blogging policy examples

Groundswell (Incorporating Charlene Li's Blog): Blogging policy examples: ""

Blogger's code of ethics - an interesting concept including not deleting a post or comment and showing where modifications have been made.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

NYU Press Electronic Title: NET.WARS by Wendy Grossman; ch16; pg01

NYU Press Electronic Title: NET.WARS by Wendy Grossman; ch16; pg01

After reading this it's easy to wonder what part of the net can, or is worthwhile regulating. Even the two areas that are generally agreed to - child porn and junk email - have their problems when it comes to regulation.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

AlterNet: The Trouble With Twitter

AlterNet: The Trouble With Twitter

The trouble with Twitter is that the faster a population centre grows (think urban) the pace of life grows exponentially faster. If the population grows at n then the speed of life grows at n2 until a singularity occurs where the system is reset.

Clive Thompson on How Twitter Creates a Social Sixth Sense

Clive Thompson on How Twitter Creates a Social Sixth Sense

Despite that some believe micro-blogging to be simply bad, Twitter is, according to this article, creating a 6th sense. It's argued that because of the extra granularity we are exposed to about the lives of those around us, we become more attuned to what's happening. A 6th sense in other words.

This certainly isn't my experience at this stage, but we'll wait and see.

Twitter: All Trivia, All The Time

Twitter: All Trivia, All The Time

Here's a few useful suggestions on how Twitter could be used as something a little more useful in a business context.

The case of the incredible shrinking blogoshere

Document View: "The case of the incredible shrinking blogosphere"

Rise of of micro-media sites such as Twitter brought about by cultural shifts.

1. Attention crash
2. Proliferation of monbile devices demanding shorter messages
3. Access to social networking which enables people to tune into and out of the messages they chose.

Steve Rubel. Advertising Age. (Midwest region edition). Chicago: Aug 6, 2007. Vol. 78, Iss. 31; pg. 17, 1 pgs

369.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Growth in numbers of Twitter subscribers is doubling every month

People intuitively understand "Systems as diverse as genetic networks or the World Wide Web are best described as networks with complex topology. A common property of many large networks is that the vertex connectivities follow a scale-free power-law distribution. This feature was found to be a consequence of two generic mechanisms: (i) networks expand continuously by the addition of new vertices, and (ii) new vertices attach preferentially to sites that are already well connected." Emergence of scaling in random networks
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, Reka Albert. Science. Washington: Oct 15, 1999. Vol. 286, Iss. 5439; pg. 509, 4 pgs

Main intentions of users posting to Twitter: Daily chatter about life's routines.
Sharing information

Categories of users
Information source
Information seeking

Why we Twitter

Here's how reporters use Twitter | The News is

Twitter signing deals with celebrites to Twitter their movements and what's happening at events. Reporters also using Twitter to break news.

Here's how reporters use Twitter | The News is ""